Sunday, March 17, 2013

What Does Your Kindergartner Need to Know?

Many of us are raising children at different age groups.  If you have a child age 5 or younger you may be wondering, "What should my child be able to do?"  As an educator I often find myself looking at my child thinking "I want her to be ready!"  It is that delicate balance between preparing and overwhelming your child for what is to come.  To get the complete list of Georgia's Performance Standards checkout  Also see below for documents.

English Language Arts: 


Science, History, and Physical Education: .

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Guest Speaker at Fun Craft Friday: March 15, 2013

We will have a guest music presenter at our Fun Craft Friday on March 15th at 12 noon!!!!    So come out and support us at the South Cobb Library.  If you would like to lead the craft please let us know.  Samantha did a GREAT job leading us out last time.  We learned why rules are important!