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http://www.eventbrite.com/e/south-cobb-homeschool-resource-fair-tickets-20260992173?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing |
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Welcome to Second Grade
Welcome to second grade! We hope that you will enjoy the videos, worksheets and websites that we share and that you have a GREAT year! Click on the Second Grade Homeschool Class tab above for a list of all the resources.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
November 18 Meeting Cancelled
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the November 18 Meeting for South Cobb Homeschoolers at the library has been cancelled.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Unit Study for November- Earth Science - Sun, Moon and Stars
Sun, Moon and Stars
a. Describe the physical attributes of stars—size, brightness, and patterns.
S2E2. Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year.
a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various times of the day.
b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick or using a sundial.
c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Days are longer than the night in the summer.).
d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.
S2E3. Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the changes.
a. Recognize effects that occur in a specific area caused by weather, plants, animals, and/or people.
- Stars https://www.dropbox.com/s/y6wbniqxmoyzkci/Stars%5B1%5D.ppt?dl=0
- Light and Shadows Investigation: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/7_8/light_shadows.shtml
- Kids Astronomy: http://www.kidsastronomy.com/stars.htm
- Stars & Constellations: http://www.kidskonnect.com/subjectindex/15-educational/science/102-star-a-constellations.html
- NASA for Kids: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/index.html
Meeting Dates
- Sun, Moon and Stars Activity - Wednesday, November 4, 2015 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the South Cobb Library located at 805 Clay Road, Mableton, GA 30126
- Show and Tell & Sun, Moon and Stars Activity - Wednesday, November 18, 2015 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the South Cobb Library located at 805 Clay Road, Mableton, GA 30126
- Field Trip to the Tellus Science Museum - Monday, December 14, 2015 from 9:45 a.m. to 12 noon. RSVP is required: http://goo.gl/forms/ZC01PoC0YT
Additional Activity Idea
- Saturday, November 14, 2015 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, Solar Sky Watch at the Tellus Museum
- Members: FREE, Non-Members: Regular Admission
- With the special filters on our solar telescope in the Observatory, you can safely view the Sun and look for sunspots and loops of hot hydrogen gas called prominences that extend off the disc of the Sun.
- Check their home page http://tellusmuseum.org/ on the day of the event for cancellations due to cloudy skies or inclement weather.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Fall Standardized Tests Registration Deadline October 16 before 3 p.m.
It's that time again! According to the GDOE : "Students in home study programs shall be subject to an appropriate nationally standardized testing program administered in consultation with a person trained in the administration and interpretation of norm referenced tests. The student must be evaluated at least every three years beginning at the end of the third grade. Records of such tests shall be retained." The deadline to register to take the IOWA or Standford 10 with the South Cobb Homeschoolers for the FALL administration is October 15, however, it will be extended to October 16. For more information go to http://schomeschoolers.blogspot.com/p/standardized-test-administration.html . To register you must contact Andrea Hall at info@southcobbhomeschoolers.org or call 404-644-8391 by October 15 (extended to October 16 before 3 p.m.) for the Fall Administration and April 10 (midnight) for the Spring Administration. |
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Story Time Exclusive at the Powder Springs Library - October 27 from 6 pm to 7:45 pm
A Story Time Exclusive
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.Powder Springs Library4181 Atlanta Street, Bldg. 1, Powder Springs, GA 30127
South Cobb Homeschoolers presents a story time exclusive. Author Damon Hall will read his book Where Do Flies Go When It Rains? to children at the Powder Springs Library on Tuesday, October 27, 2015. This event is FREE and we invite ALL families to attend.
This event will feature the following:
* Arts & Crafts Activity
* Light Refreshments
* Meet the Author
Monday, September 21, 2015
College Discovery Day Open to All Ages - October 6
Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon, Georgia. BPC is a small, Christian college located in Southeast Georgia.
We are extending invitations to home school groups across Georgia for our Discovery Day which is on October 6th.
Registration can be completed online at http://bpc.edu/admissions/discoverday/
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Reading Eggs Offer Ends Oct. 9 2015
An exclusive Back-to-School offer for
Homeschool Encouragement & Copywork Members
For a very limited time only, get a FREE 4 Week Trial to Reading Eggs.
OFFER ENDS October 9, 2015.
Elementary Students,
PreK to 1st Graders,
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Unit Study for September - Science - Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology for Kids
These standards are taken from Georgia's Performance Standards for Grades 9-12 Anatomy and Physiology Course. They are adapted for Kids Grades PreK-5th Grade.SAP1. Students will analyze anatomical structures in relationship to their physiological functions.
a. Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions.
SAP2. Students will analyze the interdependence of the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems as these relate to the protection, support and movement of the human body.
b. Explain how the skeletal structures provide support and protection for tissues, and function together with the muscular system to make movements possible.
- Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions.
- Explain how the skeletal structures provide support and protection for tissues, and function together with the muscular system to make movements possible.
Meeting Dates
- Anatomy & Physiology Activity - Wednesday, September 2, 2015 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the South Cobb Library located at 805 Clay Road, Mableton, GA 30126
- Field Trip to Tuesday, September 15, 2015 from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Warner Family Chiropractic at 3201 Austell Road SW, Marietta, GA 30008. RSVP Required http://goo.gl/forms/gYSvk2Ajfj
2015 - 2016 Unit Studies - Ready. Set. Grow
Monthly Unit Studies
2015 Science
- September - Science - Anatomy and Physiology - Portia
- October - Life Science - Gardening 101 - Debbie and Mark
- November - Earth Science - Sun, Moon and Stars - Andrea
- December - Physical Science - Cynthai
2016 Social Studies
- January - American Heros - Andrea
- February - American Heros - Andrea
- March - Economics - Camryn
- April - Economics - Camryn
- May - Geography - Samantha
- June - Awards Ceremony & Yearbook - Andrea
Anatomy and Physiology - Human Body
These standards are taken from Georgia's Performance Standards for Grades 9-12 Anatomy and Physiology Course. They are adapted for Kids Grades PreK-5th Grade.
SAP1. Students will analyze anatomical structures in relationship to their physiological functions.
a. Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions.
SAP2. Students will analyze the interdependence of the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems as these relate to the protection, support and movement of the human body.
b. Explain how the skeletal structures provide support and protection for tissues, and function together with the muscular system to make movements possible.
Life Science - Gardening 101
These standards are taken from Georgia's Performance Standards for Grades 9-12 Anatomy and Physiology Course. They are adapted for Kids Grades PreK-5th Grade.
SAP1. Students will analyze anatomical structures in relationship to their physiological functions.
a. Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions.
SAP2. Students will analyze the interdependence of the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems as these relate to the protection, support and movement of the human body.
b. Explain how the skeletal structures provide support and protection for tissues, and function together with the muscular system to make movements possible.
Life Science - Gardening 101
S2L1. Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms.
a. Determine the sequence of the life cycle of common animals in your area: a mammal such as a cat or dog or classroom pet, a bird such as a chicken, an amphibian such as a frog, and an insect such as a butterfly.
b. Relate seasonal changes to observations of how a tree changes throughout a school year.
c. Investigate the life cycle of a plant by growing a plant from a seed and by recording changes over a period of time.
d. Identify fungi (mushroom) as living organisms.
Earth Science - Sun, Moon and Stars
S2E1. Students will understand that stars have different sizes, brightness, and patterns.
a. Describe the physical attributes of stars—size, brightness, and patterns.
S2E2. Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year.
a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various times of the day.
b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick or using a sundial.
c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Days are longer than the night in the summer.).
d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.
S2E3. Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the changes.
a. Recognize effects that occur in a specific area caused by weather, plants, animals, and/or people.
Physical Science
S2P1. Students will investigate the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects.
a. Identify the three common states of matter as solid, liquid, or gas.
b. Investigate changes in objects by tearing, dissolving, melting, squeezing, etc.
S2P2. Students will identify sources of energy and how the energy is used.
a. Identify sources of light energy, heat energy, and energy of motion.
b. Describe how light, heat, and motion energy are used.
S2P3. Students will demonstrate changes in speed and direction using pushes and pulls.
a. Demonstrate how pushing and pulling an object affects the motion of the object.
b. Demonstrate the effects of changes of speed on an object.
Social Studies- American Heros
a. Describe the physical attributes of stars—size, brightness, and patterns.
S2E2. Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year.
a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various times of the day.
b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick or using a sundial.
c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Days are longer than the night in the summer.).
d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.
S2E3. Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the changes.
a. Recognize effects that occur in a specific area caused by weather, plants, animals, and/or people.
S2P1. Students will investigate the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects.
a. Identify the three common states of matter as solid, liquid, or gas.
b. Investigate changes in objects by tearing, dissolving, melting, squeezing, etc.
S2P2. Students will identify sources of energy and how the energy is used.
a. Identify sources of light energy, heat energy, and energy of motion.
b. Describe how light, heat, and motion energy are used.
S2P3. Students will demonstrate changes in speed and direction using pushes and pulls.
a. Demonstrate how pushing and pulling an object affects the motion of the object.
b. Demonstrate the effects of changes of speed on an object.
SS1H1 The student will read about and describe the life of historical figures in American history.
a. Identify the contributions made by these figures: Benjamin Franklin (inventor/author/ statesman),Thomas Jefferson (Declaration of Independence),
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea (exploration), Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad), Theodore Roosevelt (National Parks and the environment), George Washington Carver (science).
b. Describe how everyday life of these historical figures is similar to and different from everyday life in the present (food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation).
SS1H2 The student will read or listen to American folktales and explain how they characterize our national heritage. The study will include John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyan, and Annie Oakley.
SS1CG2 The student will explain the meaning of the patriotic words to America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) and America the Beautiful.
SSAAH1 The student will read about and describe the accomplishments of historical figures in American History .
a. Identify the contributions made by these figures: Bayard Rustin, Frederick Douglass, and Thurgood Marshall.
SS1E1 The student will identify goods that people make and services that people provide for each other. SS1E2 The student will explain that people have to make choices about goods and services because of scarcity. SS1E3 The student will describe how people are both producers and consumers. SS1E4 The student will describe the costs and benefits of personal spending and saving choicesEconomics
SS1G1 The student will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with the historical figures in SS1H1a. SS1G2 The student will identify and locate his/her city, county, state, nation, and continent on a simple map or a globe. SS1G3 The student will locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface.
a. Locate all of the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia.
b. Locate the major oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian.
c. Identify and describe landforms (mountains, deserts, valleys, plains, plateaus, and coasts).
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Back to School Event
Join us for our Back to School social event as we get together to play and celebrate the start of another year.
Wednesday August 19, 2015 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm the Joe Jenkins Park located at 2721 Joe Jerkins Boulevard, Austell, Georgia 30106
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015
Atlanta Zoo for Science School?
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Mom's Night Out! Sort-of :-)
Who? Homeschool Moms of Kids K-5
What? South Cobb Homeschoolers 2015-2016 Planning Session & Registration
When? Thursday, August 6 at 6:30 pm
Where? Chik-fil-A @ Thornton Road
835 Thornton Rd Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Why? To plan our activities for the 2015-2016 school year. What to bring? Bring any science/social studies curriculum/ideas, a pen, a folder and paper!
If you like what you see at the planning session, you will be able to register as a member!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Getting Ready for School
It's almost that time again. Back to School sales are up and on the way and as a homeschool parent you are also starting to think about the 2015-2016 school year.
If your resolution is like mine, it is to be more organized and accomplished!
Here are two documents you need to help you get started.
If your resolution is like mine, it is to be more organized and accomplished!
Here are two documents you need to help you get started.
- The Homeschool Calendar
- This excel document allows you to modify the year, the start month and the first day of the week in just one click of the button. I have added my custom shading and counted out the number of school days I have in each month to make sure I meet the required 180 days. Check it out by clicking here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/prqgknavccvmlk8/Homeschool%20Calendar%20SY2015-2016.xlsx?dl=0
- The Homeschool Planner
- This document can be downloaded in Word or as a PDF. It helps you to remember the big picture and break it down into smaller chunks for each month and each week. It has a weekly menu, daily schedule, monthly plan and yearly goals.
- Click here to download the Word version
- Click here to download the PDF version
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Monday, July 6, 2015
Guest Blog Post - Classroom Laboratory at the Edge of Space: Introducing the Mini-Cube Program
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Gregory N. Cecil |
The students at Grace Lutheran worked to design, build, and package 16 experiments to be sent to an altitude of 100,000 feet or 20 miles, more commonly known as “the edge of space” by high altitude balloon.” – Opening statement to parents at the opening of the cubes by the students.
Sending experiments to the “edge of space” may seem to be an expensive feat capable only by NASA, but many students as young as age 11 (6th grade) have been designing multiple experiments and sending them up for several years now for less than $350.00 per flight using JP Aerospace’s Mini-Cube Program. The book, Classroom Laboratory at the Edge of Space, was written by former space shuttle worker and science teacher Gregory Cecil to show step by step how this “informal” STEM Project Based Learning Activity can be carried out by most secondary and homeschools in an affordable manner and within the traditional school year based on the “lessons learned” by this author and his students. This activity will result in a once in a lifetime opportunity for students to conduct real science in their own space program at the “edge of space.”
“A Mini-Cube is a 5 cubic centimeter plastic cube that can be modified in any manner by a team or group of teams to accommodate their experiment(s) and is flown to an altitude of 100,000 feet or 20 miles by high altitude balloon to the “edge of space” by JP Aerospace. The cube can hold 4 or more trays or racks of experiments and the total weight cannot exceed 240 grams.” (Cecil, M.A.S., 2015)
This book was written for secondary public and private school STEM instructors, home schooling, and undergraduate STEM courses of study explaining how to set up their own student focused “space program” utilizing the Mini-Cube Program. With this STEM Project Based Learning Activity, students can have the unique, affordable, and challenging opportunity to send experiments via high altitude balloon to an altitude of 100,000 feet (20 miles or 32 km), commonly known as the “edge of space.”
Utilizing the scientific method, team work, research, and communicating in writing the results and applications for peer review, students will participate in the full cycle of an actual experiment from the original question to the published results and conduct true science at the edge of space.
“Classroom Laboratory at the Edge of Space: Introducing the Mini-Cube Program” can be found on Amazon Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Classroom-Laboratory-Edge-Space-Introducing-ebook/dp/B00XTPLBKQ/ref=pd_ybh_1. A print version is also available, go to https://www.createspace.com/5508539.
Please note that this author does not work for nor receives any compensation from JP Aerospace.
Gregory N. Cecil, M.A.S. K-12 Outreach and Social Media Coordinator-SpaceTEC
SpaceTEC Nationally Certified Aerospace Technician
Adjunct Instructor Aerospace Technology Program-Eastern Florida State College
CEO-AeroSTEM Consulting, LLC
Author: Classroom Laboratory at the Edge of Space: Introducing the Mini-Cube Program
Gregory N. Cecil, M.A.S. is the only Florida State Certified Educator and Nationally Certified Aerospace Technician in the nation. Currently, Greg provides Aerospace STEM consulting for schools and companies, conducts workshops for STEM teachers, and gives presentations on subjects related to STEM and Human Spaceflight.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Ode to a Homeschool Mom by Teri Ann Berg Olsen
As a wife, mother, and home educator
You are the embodiment of life, love, and laughter.
Even at times when you do not feel respected,
You are adored by the children you’ve directed.
Your chosen career means there is much to do,
For you are your children’s best teacher, too–
Training them to walk, to talk and say “please,”
Plus reading, writing, math, and social studies.
Gathering books from the library, you strive
To read aloud and bring history alive.
You take kids on field trips and nature hikes,
Arrange play days and set up movie nights.
You are a modern “Renaissance woman,”
Instructing every one of your children
In all of the fine arts and sciences
While you also pursue your own interests.
You are a housekeeper, nurse, cook, janitor,
Counselor, cheerleader, and a whole lot more.
You can give a lesson and bake a cake
While tying a shoe and mending a break.
You teach your children for most of the day,
And carefully listen to what they have to say.
Rather than measuring by height, grade or year,
You track their growth by the character they wear.
You routinely put your family first
And do your best to fix every hurt.
Your heart is full of compassion showing
You are quite wise and always knowing.
Your life is not as glorious as some,
With many days taken up by tedium.
You rarely get what you truly deserve,
As anyone else would surely observe.
But even amid the worst of all days,
Happiness is found in a special way.
God is your strength and Jesus is your mentor;
As you honor Him, He blesses your endeavor.
Copyright by Teri Ann Berg Olsen. Used with permission. Teri is a home educator and author of the book Learning for Life: Educational Words of Wisdom. Visit her website at www.KnowledgeHouse.info
You are the embodiment of life, love, and laughter.
Even at times when you do not feel respected,
You are adored by the children you’ve directed.
Your chosen career means there is much to do,
For you are your children’s best teacher, too–
Training them to walk, to talk and say “please,”
Plus reading, writing, math, and social studies.
Gathering books from the library, you strive
To read aloud and bring history alive.
You take kids on field trips and nature hikes,
Arrange play days and set up movie nights.
You are a modern “Renaissance woman,”
Instructing every one of your children
In all of the fine arts and sciences
While you also pursue your own interests.
You are a housekeeper, nurse, cook, janitor,
Counselor, cheerleader, and a whole lot more.
You can give a lesson and bake a cake
While tying a shoe and mending a break.
You teach your children for most of the day,
And carefully listen to what they have to say.
Rather than measuring by height, grade or year,
You track their growth by the character they wear.
You routinely put your family first
And do your best to fix every hurt.
Your heart is full of compassion showing
You are quite wise and always knowing.
Your life is not as glorious as some,
With many days taken up by tedium.
You rarely get what you truly deserve,
As anyone else would surely observe.
But even amid the worst of all days,
Happiness is found in a special way.
God is your strength and Jesus is your mentor;
As you honor Him, He blesses your endeavor.
Copyright by Teri Ann Berg Olsen. Used with permission. Teri is a home educator and author of the book Learning for Life: Educational Words of Wisdom. Visit her website at www.KnowledgeHouse.info
Monday, June 29, 2015
Southeast Homeschool Expo
Southeast Homeschool Expo
July 23-25, 2015
Cobb Galleria Centre
Fun & Education Focused!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
2 Days till the Awards Ceremony!!!
Light Refreshments will be served.
2015 Yearbooks will be available for purchase.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Athens-Clarke County Recycling Field Trip
2nd to 5th Graders,
Elementary Students,
Extracurricular Activities,
Field Trip,
PreK to 1st Graders
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
2015 Awards Ceremony Invitation
Who South Cobb Homeschoolers
What Second Annual Awards Ceremony
When TUESDAY, June 30 at 6:30 PM
South Cobb Regional Library
805 Clay Road
Mableton, GA 30126
Message From Host
South Cobb Homeschoolers is proud to present our 2nd Annual Awards Ceremony. During this time our children will be promoted to the next grade level.
All family and friends are invited to attend as we thank God for the gift of our children.
The event is FREE but RSVP is required.
Light Refreshments will be served.
2015 Yearbooks Available for Purchase!!
2015 Yearbooks Available for Purchase!!
2nd to 5th Graders,
Elementary Students,
Extracurricular Activities,
PreK to 1st Graders
Kirkwood Education Online - Guest Blog Post
With over 40 years continuous research and development, Kirkwood Education Online has a proven track record of fostering strong Christian character growth and high academic achievement.
This preschool through elementary mastery learning program is completely individualized and includes video instruction, interactive lessons, and 75 workbooks in PDF format. Student records are maintained and accessible in real time, along with printable weekly award certificates and progress reports.
Students are guided through six levels of character growth. Academic achievement accelerates as students learn to take responsibility for their own education. Self-esteem building exercises promote spiritual growth, interpersonal skills, and strong work ethic. Daily discipleship lessons encourage students to store the truth of God's Word in their minds and hearts.
The homeschool program is available on a monthly subscription, and is absolutely free for the first month. Academic Summer Camp is also available, and includes a free online assessment.
Kirkwood Education Online is committed to providing homeschool families with a system of education that will truly enable every child to develop as much of their God-given potential as possible. It should be noted that that Kirkwood Education Online is not aligned with common core.
This preschool through elementary mastery learning program is completely individualized and includes video instruction, interactive lessons, and 75 workbooks in PDF format. Student records are maintained and accessible in real time, along with printable weekly award certificates and progress reports.
Students are guided through six levels of character growth. Academic achievement accelerates as students learn to take responsibility for their own education. Self-esteem building exercises promote spiritual growth, interpersonal skills, and strong work ethic. Daily discipleship lessons encourage students to store the truth of God's Word in their minds and hearts.
The homeschool program is available on a monthly subscription, and is absolutely free for the first month. Academic Summer Camp is also available, and includes a free online assessment.
Kirkwood Education Online is committed to providing homeschool families with a system of education that will truly enable every child to develop as much of their God-given potential as possible. It should be noted that that Kirkwood Education Online is not aligned with common core.
by Janet Slinkard
Monday, June 8, 2015
Reading is Golden
A Platform Supporting Authors and Readers
Reading is Golden was established to support the importance of literacy.Through their persistent efforts, Reading Is Golden introduces new and experienced authors through weekly Author Spotlights.
These spotlights also include Q&A sessions where readers are encouraged to actively participate and give feedback. Literacy amongst young children has become the focal point of their business.
Reading Is Golden also hosts monthly book giveaways, along with encouraging children and their families to submit book reviews. There is a very promising future for Reading Is Golden.
Through the support of others, they can reach more authors and readers while continuing to spread the importance of literacy around the world.
~ Written by Deshawn Henderson
Alika Turner
Founder of Reading Is Golden
Our Mission is to spread the importance of literacy around the world.
Founder of Reading Is Golden
Our Mission is to spread the importance of literacy around the world.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/readingisgolden
Thursday, June 4, 2015
“Pollinator Day” at the Cobb Water Department’s Rain Garden - June 18, 2015
Join us for “Pollinator Day” at the Cobb Water Department’s Rain Garden on Thursday, June 18th, 10:00-11:30 . Explore in the garden looking for butterflies, caterpillars and chrysalises. Learn about the different species of butterflies here in Georgia. Make a butterfly craft to take home. Learn about pollinator friendly plants for your garden.
You’ll want to bring water bottles and sunscreen. Part of the activities will be in the sun and part in the shade. You are welcome to bring lunch to enjoy after the event. There are a few tables in a shady area for your use or bring a blanket to spread on the ground.
Great event for all ages!
If you have questions or concerns please contact Kaye Wilson by email at kaye.wilson@cobbcounty.org or call her at 770-528-8824 |
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Take Wings this Summer with FREE Ya Christian Mystery Series
An international mystery series like award-winning Christian author Jeanette Windle's juvenile Parker Twins Adventures is just one way for a family to take wings this summer. Young readers don't just live exciting adventures while learning biblical values, but explore new cultures and meet other children from very different backgrounds. Inca ruins (Cave of the Inca Re), Amazon jungles (Jungle Hideout), rebel guerrillas (Captured in Colombia, Middle Eastern spies (Race for the Secret Code), and more.
Bill Myers, best-selling author of Wally McDoogle and Secret Agent Dingledorf series, calls the Parker Twins “Page turning, action-packed adventure. These books are cool!”
In participation with this summer’s Take Wings YA Christian Reading Program, ALL SIX PARKER TWIN TITLES will be available as free Amazon Kindle downloads at ONE WEEK INTERVALS.
· Cave of the Inca Re (Parker Twins #1):
Free Download: June 1-5, 2015
· Jungle Hideout (Parker Twins #2):
Free Download: June 8-12, 2015
· Captured in Colombia (Parker Twins #3):
Free Download: June 15-19, 2015
· Mystery at Death Canyon (Parker Twins #4):
Free Download: June 22-26, 2015
· Secret of the Dragon Mark (Parker Twins #5):
Free Download: June 29-July 3, 2015
· Race for the Secret Code (Parker Twins #6):
Free Download: July 6-10, 2015
Free Download: June 1-5, 2015
· Jungle Hideout (Parker Twins #2):
Free Download: June 8-12, 2015
· Captured in Colombia (Parker Twins #3):
Free Download: June 15-19, 2015
· Mystery at Death Canyon (Parker Twins #4):
Free Download: June 22-26, 2015
· Secret of the Dragon Mark (Parker Twins #5):
Free Download: June 29-July 3, 2015
· Race for the Secret Code (Parker Twins #6):
Free Download: July 6-10, 2015
Daughter of missionary parents, Jeanette Windle has lived in six countries and traveled in more than thirty. Those experiences have birthed 16 fiction titles, including award-winning Veiled Freedom (ECPA Christian Book Award/Christy Award finalist) and Freedom's Stand (ECPA Christian Book Award/Carol Award/Golden Scroll Novel of the Year finalist) as well as YA mystery series Parker Twins Adventures. Find out more at www.jeanettewindle.com or Jeanette’s Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/ Jeanette-Windle/e/B001JRXN9I
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Sight Words: Fun, FREE, and Instructional - Guest Blogger Post
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Sight Words Snakes & Ladders is one of our most popular sight word games. |
My name is Margo and I would like to let y’all know about a new resource I've
developed with the Georgia Preschool Association to teach children to read: SightWords.com (http://www.sightwords.com/sight-words/).
At SightWords.com we show you a variety of teaching
techniques to introduce new words to your child and review old words. One day’s
instruction time can include just 10 minutes of lesson time followed by 20
minutes of game time. Our sight words games reinforce the lessons through
repetition, but wrapped up in fun variations of classic kids’ games!
SightWords.com is packed with free and printable resources,
designed to promote learning in both formal and informal settings. The content
is simple to use and tailored to the needs of homeschooling parents:
Twelve fun Games from Candy Land to Bingo, easy to
print and customize
Customizable Flash
Cards in three different
Classroom-tested Lessons based on the latest research,
complete with “how-to” videos
Templates of all our materials using the Fry and Dolch sight word lists
We have created a fun, easy-to-use, and FREE curriculum for
sight words instruction. You are invited to take this knowledge and make the
most of your child’s early education!
Margo Edwards is the
Director of Content Development at SightWords.com, a website
dedicated to providing free resources—from lessons to flashcards to games—that
promote child literacy.
Guest Blogger Post,
PreK to 1st Graders
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Fun Water Safety Lessons for Young Children - Guest Blogger Post
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Via Flickr – by peasap |
I love the water and I wanted my kids to love the water, too, but I also wanted them to be safe. As a result, my husband and I began teaching them water safety at an early age and took them to swim lessons as soon as they were old enough.
If you have a young child, there’s no better time than now to begin teaching them about water safety. A great place to start is this extensive guide on recreational swimming safety. It offers a comprehensive overview of the rules you’ll want to teach your child. Then, help them become water safety experts with these simple steps:
First, get them used to the water. Your child’s first experience with the water could determine how they feel about water moving forward. The Alliance for Early Childhood provides great advice on how to make it a good one. For example, the organization recommends making your child feel comfortable and protected by always holding them firmly while in the water.
Second, make it fun. Use these activities to teach your child about water safety and help them become strong swimmers:
- Safety is Cool at the Pool. This activity from KidsHealth.org is a great introduction to pool and water safety rules for Pre-K to 2nd Grade-age students. In it, they’ll create a water bottle label that features the rules they’ve learned.
- Red Light, Green Light. Of course, strong kicks are a key part of safe swimming. This activity from TodaysParent.com has your child hold on to the side of the pool or a shallow end step. Say “Green light!” Then, your child should start kicking. Say “Red light!” And they should stop. It’s great kicking practice and great exercise.
- Danger Rangers. If you find yourself stuck inside because of the weather, use the time to continue your kids’ education in water safety. My kids love the activities at DangerRangers.com. There are many different sections on safety. The one on water safety features songs, videos, and printable coloring pages.
# # #
Patricia Sarmiento is an avid swimmer and runner. She blogs regularly about health, wellness, fitness, and other health topics. She is a former high school and college athlete and continues to make fitness a focus in her everyday life. She lives with her husband, son, daughter, and the family dog in Maryland.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Wild Horse Creek Water Park
From Marietta Daily Journal Online |
The park is located at 3820 Macedonia Road
Powder Springs, GA 30127.
The hours of operation are Monday-Thursday from 1 to 7:30 p.m., and Friday-Sunday 1-6 p.m..
Groups rates and rentals are available. For more information, call (770) 222-6700 .
Happy Memorial Day
Memorial Day Outdoor Activities: http://www.atlanta.net/events/seasonal/memorial-day/
Memorial Day Crafts: http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/memorial-day/
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Summer Reading KICK-OFF Party at the Library
What? Summer Reading Program Kickoff Party
When? Monday, June 1 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Where? 805 Clay Road, Austell, GA 30168
The following post came from http://www.cobbcat.org/event/summer-reading-kick-off-party-south-cobb-region/
Come one, come all for the Summer Reading Program Kickoff Party for the South Cobb Regional Library!
They will start things off 12pm (Noon) and….
There will be face painting!
There will be games!
There will be water!?
Friends at the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program will be doing a cooking demonstration.
Representatives from Georgia’s Path2College 529 Plan will be in attendance discussing the program.
They will finish things off with Magician Bill Packard spinning some amazing magic starting at 2pm.
All ages are welcome, but fun is required.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Unit Study for May - Social Studies - Economics (Updated)
Economics for Kids
Take Charge America is a Non-Profit Financial Education center that has financial education teaching resources for EVERY grade level for free. Go to http://www.takechargeamerica.org/financial-education/teaching-resources/first-grade/
Online Games - http://www.usmint.gov/kids/games/ and http://www.uakron.edu/barkercenter/teacher-resources/online-games/
Meeting Dates
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the South Cobb Library - Consumer Math Economics Lesson for Kids
SS2E1 The student will explain that because of scarcity, people must make choices and incur opportunity costs.
SS2E2 The student will identify ways in which goods and services are allocated (by price; majority rule; contests; force; sharing; lottery; command; first-come, first-served; personal characteristics; and others).
SS2E3 The student will explain that people usually use money to obtain the goods and services they want and explain how money makes trade easier than barter.
SS2E4 The student will describe the costs and benefits of personal spending and saving choices
Take Charge America is a Non-Profit Financial Education center that has financial education teaching resources for EVERY grade level for free. Go to http://www.takechargeamerica.org/financial-education/teaching-resources/first-grade/
Online Games - http://www.usmint.gov/kids/games/ and http://www.uakron.edu/barkercenter/teacher-resources/online-games/
Meeting Dates
Field Trip - Friday May 29, 2015 from 1:00p.m. - 3:30 p.m. West Georgia Used Book Sale at the Carroll County Agriculture Center, 900 Newnan Road, Carrollton, GA 30117 -This is a great opportunity for our kids to get hands-on sales experience and learn consumer math.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Summer Homeschool Courses Start June 1!
Dr. David Byers, homeschooling father, college professor, and author of College-Prep Homeschooling and Leadership Lessons for Homeschooled Teens, offers dozens of highly-affordable courses in English, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences year-round to homeschooled students in grades 7-12. The courses are taught asynchronously via email; the student doesn’t have to be online at any particular day or time! In addition, parents may work with David regarding their scheduling needs. Dr. Byers offers a free course, Introduction to Poetry, as well as a free writing assessment upon request. You can find more information his site: http://www.leadershipforyou.net/ or by emailing him atdbyers3@centurylink.net
Monday, May 18, 2015
Larcum Singers Auditions May 26 & 28!
The singers are introduced to a variety of languages and cultures through the art of making music. Students with unique vocal talents in a particular genre or vocal percussion (beatbox) are encouraged to audition. Students with other musical abilities are also encouraged to audition. For more information visit larcum.com.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Homeschool Program for the Working Homeschool Mom
I believe in homeschooling. Before I had kids I envisioned myself being able to homeschool and only homeschool 100% of the time. Well, fast forward 10 years and while I am homeschooling, I am also working from home. While in my mind I thought this was ideal... in actuality, any kind of work whether it is working at home, working from home, or working outside the home is still... well WORK.
Nevertheless I have forged ahead with homeschooling and had a great routine, until... well WORK got in the way. There were deadlines that distracted me from my ultimate purpose of educating my child for this life and the life to come. I wasn't super mom (although I still have the complex) and I needed help! This was when God brought back to my memory a homeschool program that my aunt used with her child when she was a Working Homeschool Mom (WHM)... Time 4 Learning .
Right away I looked it up. I thought it would be out of my budget, but it wasn't. I thought it wouldn't be good quality but it was. Now I have a curriculum that keeps me on track and on the days that I can't work with my daughter one-on-one like I would like to, she can do it on her own.
Time 4 Learning is easy, affordable and a great homeschool program for the WHM!
Disclosure: As a member of Time4Learning, I have been given the opportunity to review their program and share my experiences. While I was compensated, this review was not written or edited by Time4Learning and my opinion is entirely my own. For more information, check out their standards-based curriculum or learn how to write your own curriculum review.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Unit Study for May - Social Studies - Economics
Here are the upcoming events for our Economics Unit Study.
More details coming soon!
Field Trip - Friday May 29, 2015 from 1:00p.m. - 3:30 p.m. West Georgia Used Book Sale at the Carroll County Agriculture Center, 900 Newnan Road, Carrollton, GA 30117 -This is a great opportunity for our kids to get hands-on sales experience and learn consumer math.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Homeschool Classes for Mathematics
Are you interested in homeschool classes in the area of mathematics for the 2015- 2016 school year?
Courses will take place in the Cobb County, GA area and will follow the blended-learning format in which students meet once a week for face-to-face instruction and complete assignments throughout the week via the internet. Computer access is required.
If you are interested in these courses please complete the following survey for more information: http://goo.gl/forms/RnHfOwpD6u
Friday, May 8, 2015
New to Homeschooling or Want to Learn How to Homeschool?
New to Homeschooling or Want to Learn How to Homeschool?
July 23, 2015 – 10 AM to 4 PM
Many parents considering or just beginning to homeschool would like to have personalized help. Homeschooling for Excellence 101 is a one-day conference where homeschool parents can get individualized answers for their own personal situations from other seasoned homeschooling parents. Children ages four and up can attend the KidsZone program while parents attend the Homeschooling For Excellence 101 Conference. Parents will learn how to homeschool! Topics included but not limited to:
- Where do I begin?
- What materials should I choose? There are so many!
- How can I encourage my child to learn?
- How will I fill my child’s time – will he be lonely?
The homeschool lifestyle is so much more than just ABC’s and 123’s. It includes a lifestyle that encourages learning all the time and learning together. Bringing frantic, fragmented family lives back together can seem inviting and at the same time mystifying. Not knowing what to do throws parents into a whirl of confusion and concern. Each parent is uniquely qualified to educate their own child.
The Homeschooling for Excellence Workshops are designed with extra time and personalized attention for your unique situation. In a friendly and encouraging small group environment, top notch, enthusiastic homeschool parents will share their wisdom and pass along lots of information on how you can make the best decisions for educating your own child. Learn how to homeschool!
IMPORTANT!Homeschooling for Excellence 101 registration automatically includes registration for the Southeast Homeschool Expo so you can return on Friday and Saturday for the Southeast Homeschool Expo and additional workshops for NO additional charge!
IMPORTANT!Homeschooling for Excellence 101 registration automatically includes registration for the Southeast Homeschool Expo so you can return on Friday and Saturday for the Southeast Homeschool Expo and additional workshops for NO additional charge!
Date, Time, Location:
Thursday, July 23, 2015
10 AM to 4 PM
Cobb Galleria Centre
Cost Per Adult: $45 Online / $55 at the door
- See more at: http://www.southeasthomeschoolexpo.com/learn-how-to-homeschool/#sthash.jAeQo7vx.dpuf
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